
To be eligible for a grant from the TBF you must be a registered charity based in or active in the Northamptonshire area, doing work related to education, prevention, and relief of homelessness. We make grants up to £10,000 per charity per year.

If your application is successful we will let you know via email. The deadline for applications has now passed. The next window will open later in the year. We will always let you know if your application has been successful or not if it has been submitted correctly. Please also read the terms and conditions available to download below.

Please note that if you have applied previously you may apply again whether you were successful or not in your application.

All applications are thoroughly considered on individual merit.


You can apply either by downloading an application form below, or submitting your application online via a Google Form. Please only submit your application via one of these options. If you have any questions please email us and we can help you.

You will receive an acknowledgement of your application within seven days. If you do not receive an email from us please get in touch via our email address below.


Click this link to download our application form. Once you’ve filled it out, please email it along with any supporting documents (e.g project outline) to applications@thomasbringtonfoundation.org.